
製品取り扱い上の注意事項(標準仕様)/ Precautions On Handling (Standard)

1. 保 管/Storage
To store products it is recommended to avoid high temperature, high humidity and a long-term preservation.  
Immediate mount is strongly recommended when products are exposed under normal temperature.
2. 電源のバイパスコンデンサー/Bypass capacitor of power supply
It is recommended to put a 0.01μF bypass capacitor in between power supply and GND.
3. 静電気の影響/Influence of static electricity
本カタログ品には、C-MOS ICを使用しておりますので静電気対策をされ、過電圧に対する注意をお願いいたします。
Since C-MOS IC is used for products in this catalog, counter measures for static electricity and over voltage are recommended.
4. はんだ付け条件(リフロー)/Soldering conditions (Reflow)
It is recommended to make the heat rise slope as moderate as possible and to limit the passage to 2 times within 10 seconds at temperature below 260 degrees.

4.1リフロー条件例/Reflow Condition (Example)

Reflow Condition (Example)
5. 衝 撃/Impact
It is strongly recommended to reconfirm the features when the board is accidentally dropped after crystal Products are mounted or strong shocks and/or vibration is given. When automatic mounters and chip mounters are used measures for softening impacts to crystal products are recommended.
6. 基板曲げによるストレス/Stress by substrate bends.
Since extreme distortion of the board causes pattern peeling, electrodes’ peeling, solder cracks, damages to a product package, etc., and eventually causes a bad performance and a wrong operation.
Therefore, it is recommended to pay an attention when a board splits into small pieces after mounting.

Prior confirmation is recommended to use an ultrasonic wave, vibrations, etc, since the product could be damaged.


  • 品名表示について
  • 用語の説明
  • 高周波発振器の特性
  • シリーズ別周波数範囲
  • 測定回路
  • エンボステーピング及びリール仕様
  • 取り扱いの注意